Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I don't know how many times I've heard, "Isn't about time to get Cooper into sports?" He is now 8 and has been enrolled into his first scheduled activity, Gymnastics. I'm sure this frustrates some of our friends and family, some of whom have been waiting watery mouthed for years to see what kind of athletic potential he (as the son of two D1 athlete) holds. When we finally sign him up for a sport, we go for something non-competitive.

Well, I guess we felt it was more important for him to be a kid first. We decided, while he was still just a fetus, that we would wait to sign him up for something until he asked. We also decided that skills needed to come before competition. We made a short list of sports that would teach overarching skills, and build an aerobic base, while simultaneously strengthening and preserving his muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems. Gymnastics, Martial Arts, and Swimming. That's the list he had to pick from.

We've attended only one class. So far, the major benefit I've witnessed is a rise in his overall confidence. He loves it, and is incredibly competitive so I'm glad he's only competing against himself for now. He needs to learn that skill before actually competing against someone else. So far it's obvious he has inherited his father's persistance, balance, grace and strength. He has inherited his mother's intrinsic motivation, intensity, and rediculous drive. One day a week we all get explore Cooper's athleticism with him. It's going to be a great adventure. The other 6 days a week, he can play.

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